“It is a wonderful book, and it must have been a huge amount of work to realise it.”
Bernard Flury-Hérard, Gravely collector from France
Hand, Horse, and Motor by James B. Ricci
“It is a wonderful book, and it must have been a huge amount of work to realise it.”
Bernard Flury-Hérard, Gravely collector from France
“An acquaintance of ours just published this book. We haven’t seen a copy yet, but it looks kind of interesting. At least judging by the cover.”
“Really impressed. It’s a great book. Well put together and well laid out. A lot of work’s gone into it. It’s a tribute to you and the industry.”
Brian Radam, British Lawnmower Museum
“This is a great reference book. I wish this came out ten years ago.”
Mel Lucas, Golf Course Consultant and Historian
“Very interesting and informative to say the least. I never would have believed that there were so many manufacturers of lawn mowers. I couldn’t even put a figure to the amount of hours you put into this research. The book will be kept in my library for future reference.”
Dave Arrighi, Lawn Mower Restorer and Collector
30 North Farms Road
Haydenville MA 01039-9724 USA
(413) 268-7863